How to Get Real Health Insurance Quotes in Texas

hen one is looking for the best health insurance in Texas, cost is one of the main factors shoppers take into consideration. Being able to use subsidies and cost-sharing reductions are a benefit to many. This is why when one is applying it is important to give accurate information to get real health insurance quotes […]

When one is looking for the best health insurance in Texas, cost is one of the main factors shoppers take into consideration. Being able to use subsidies and cost-sharing reductions are a benefit to many. This is why when one is applying it is important to give accurate information to get real health insurance quotes in Texas, otherwise, you may miss out on the benefits you deserve. At CoverMile we aim to help you receive every benefit to which you are entitled. Let’s take a look at how to get accurate Texas health insurance quotes the first time you click submit.

What affects the cost of health insurance quotes in Texas?

When you are looking to get real health insurance quotes in Texas you will need a few things. Don’t worry, you won’t need to dig into a drawer for past year’s tax returns, but more on that in a moment. Here are a few things insurance companies use to determine rates:

Age:This will be one of the primary factors. And to get a real health insurance quote, ensure you have accurate numbers, don’t dummy them to get to a generic number. Age is important, even one year can place you in a different bracket.

Family Size:Include everyone that will be covered under your policy. This is important because family size can qualify you for subsidies.

Location: Location is important for getting real health insurance quotes because insurance rates can be different based on the zip code you live in.

Income:You will be asked about your estimated income for the current year. You can guess, but it is important to be as accurate as possible because if you over-guess when you file at the end of the year, you may have to pay back anything you have been overpaid.

Each insurance company will have different rates. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas will have different rates than Baylor Scott and White and UnitedHealthcare. It is important to shop around for your real health insurance quote. Get quotes from at least three companies before you make your decision. At CoverMile we can help you get real health insurance quotes in Texas. Contact us today.

When is the Best Time to Get Health Insurance in Texas?

There are a few places to get health insurance in Texas. You can receive it through an employer, through Medicaid, or through a job that provides medical benefits. With each of these, there are certain times when you can enroll, especially Affordable Care Act health insurance.

One can get health insurance in Texas:

Open Enrollment

Open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act is between November 1st and January 15th. If you are outside this period, you will need an event to trigger a Special Enrollment Period. These can be the birth or death of a covered family member, the loss of a job that provided health benefits, and moving into a new zip code.

Losing a job that provides benefits

When you leave a job that provides benefits this can trigger a Special Enrollment Period to where you can get a real health insurance quote on an Affordable Care Act plan in Texas.

Family changes

Several family changes can trigger a Special Enrollment Period: adding a member of the family through birth or adoption as well as losing a family member through passing on. However, aging out of a family plan does not qualify for a SEP.


Sometimes when you move you relocate to a new zip code. Since one of the factors that allow individuals to get real health insurance quotes in Texas is location, a Special Enrollment Period may be allowed.

If you ever have a question, it is best to talk with an insurance expert. At CoverMile we can help you get real health insurance quotes in Texas and help you determine if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. If you do not, we can help you with other options such as Short-Term Insurance that could bridge the gap until Open Enrollment in November.

How to Get Real Health Insurance Quotes in Texas?

Shopping for health insurance for you and your family does not have to be difficult. You want a plan that will cover Primary Care Physician visits, medication when you need them, and some emergency care should the unthinkable occur. You can find plans through three primary sources:

Affordable Care Act/Marketplace – Most individuals and families will shop on the Marketplace website. When you sign up online, you are given options available. The Affordable Care Act website also informs you if you qualify for premium tax credits and subsidies like cost-sharing reductions.

Direct Purchase – When going the Direct Purchase route, understand that you will not have access to ACA subsidies. If you believe you may qualify, apply on the Marketplace website before you begin insurance shopping. Also, understand that plans available and rates may vary when making a direct purchase from an insurance company.

Insurance Brokers like CoverMile – Insurance brokers will help you get real health insurance quotes in Texas by learning your needs and doing the shopping for you. They will present the best health insurance plans and allow you to choose which plan best fits your family.

Three Keys to Getting Real Health Insurance Quotes in Texas

As you move through the shopping process, it is good to remember these three keys to finding the best coverage:

Key One: Never settle on the first quote you find.

Shop around. The insurance market is very competitive, especially when you shop on your own. Getting multiple quotes from multiple companies will provide you options as well as price points.

Key Two: Look for discounts.

Insurance companies will bundle options. Just as you can bundle home and auto, Health insurance companies will bundle options such as Dental, Vision, and even sometimes Pet Insurance.

Key Three: Bigger isn’t always best

Understand that you don’t always need the lowest deductible or the latest and greatest plan you heard about from a friend. If you rarely see a doctor, a higher deductible Bronze Plan may be better for you. If you see a doctor regularly, a Gold Teir plan may be best for you.

As always, if you have questions, a CoverMile insurance expert is here to assist you with selecting the best health insurance plan that will fit your needs.

Get Real Health Insurance Quotes from Agents Near Me

Health insurance does not have to be expensive. When you need real health insurance quotes in Texas that will provide your family with the best health insurance, turn to the experts at CoverMile. Contact us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is Texas Health insurance affordable?

    Yes. Through the ACA Marketplace, you can find affordable health insurance for as low as zero dollars with tax subsidies. Cost would depend on your family size and income. You can contact CoverMile for a quote from their Texas health insurance agents near me today.

  2. Does Baylor Scott and White offer health insurance quotes in Texas?

    Yes. Baylor Scott and White offers health insurance to 171 of Texas’ 254 counties. They are an HMO and an EPO depending on where you live, and which plan you select.

  3. When is the best time to get health insurance in Texas?

    The best time to get real health insurance in Texas is during Open Enrollment which is November 1st through January 15th of each year. If you are outside of this time period you will need a life event such as the birth of a child, death of a covered person, or loss of a job that provided benefits to trigger a Special Enrollment Period.

  4. Does Aetna have health insurance agents near me?

    While Aetna is available nationwide, within Texas they are only available in 41 counties. Among them include the cities of San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas. For more information you can contact an experienced insurance agent with CoverMile we can get you a real health insurance quote in Texas today.

  5. How do I qualify for low-income subsidies in Texas?

    To qualify for low-income subsidies, you must meet income standards as well as family size requirements. While subsidies are available on all plan tiers, you must apply on the Affordable Care Act Silver Metal tier if you plan to also apply for cost savings reductions.